M. Sabri Sencan


M. Sabri Sencan, DDS 
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

After graduating from Isparta Anatolian High School in 1996, he moved to Istanbul to pursue his university education. In 1999, he enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at Kadir Has University. Subsequently, in 2001, he joined the Faculty of Dentistry at Istanbul University to deepen his knowledge in the field of dentistry.

Following his graduation, he continued his career by pursuing a doctorate in Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul University. After obtaining his doctorate degree in 2006, he founded Novusclinics to gain experience in surgical practices and assumed the role of head of the surgical team.

Since 2016, he has been a member of the founding team of Miacademy. He conducts scientific studies, particularly on One-Stage Implant Systems and Permanent Prosthetic Rehabilitation in 72 Hours, and provides training at national and international congresses on these topics. By sharing the knowledge and experience he has acquired throughout his career, he aims to take further steps forward in the field of dentistry.

OCTOBER 26, 2024

Scientific Program 11

Secrets of 72 Hours.
Is It Possible to Have Implant and Permanent Crown Loading in Single Stage? Redefining the Limits with Bendable Provo Implants

At the end of this lecture, you will be familiarized with the surgical and prosthetic details of Single Stage Implant and 72 Hour Immediate Permanent Prosthetic Constructions. Patient selection, surgical approach in single-stage implant system, conventional and digital workflow in immediate permanent loading procedures at 72 hours, cemented and screw-retained solutions and management strategies for possible complications will be discussed.